Donald Tusk’s re-election cheered democrats across Europe and paved the way for the biggest change in Poland since the fall of communism. He’s hoping to rebuild the country's institutions and began with a clear-out of state TV that had become a mouthpiece for the previous government. Now he's waging war with the president and constitutional court. Ben Hall, the FT’s Europe editor, discusses Tusk’s first month in office and what lies ahead with Andrzej Bobiński, managing director of Polityka Insight. Clips: CNBC, tvp

Free links to read more on this topic:

EU to sidestep Polish president’s veto to release billions in funding

Poland’s escalating power struggle

Poland’s ‘iron broom’ shows that democrats can bite back

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Presented by Gideon Rachman. Produced by Fiona Symon. Sound design is by Breen Turner

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